💖 Willkommen in der GoE!

Die Gilde der Energists wurde 1998 gegründet und ist die weltweit größte Moderne Energie Organisation mit 836 Mitglieder in 69 Ländern aktiv.

Wir spezialisieren uns auf energiebasierte Lösungen für Einzelpersonen und Organisationen, die die Welt zu einem weniger gestressten, glücklicheren, sozialen und kreativen Ort zum Leben machen.


📅 GoE-Jahresrückblick 2024

📰 2024 Was A Busy Year For The GoE!

📷 Congratulations To All The Students!

EMO Energy In Motion Master with Sandra Hillawi

Penny Rand

Emotional Wellness for 2024, 4-Part Series in Positive Energy with Jackie Scarcella

Suzanne Carone & Rumyana Salvador

Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sandra Hillawi

Dr. Gregory Brown, Yana Burmistrovich, Michael Grant & Alistair Richardson

EMO Energy In Motion Master with Sandra Hillawi

Dr. Gregory Brown, David Ingvoldstad & Carolyn Marie Michelman

Money Course with Bilge Yalçın

Defne Evrim Akman, Ali Alkaç, Kevser Balcı, Nuran Çirasun, Gozde Gok, Əşrəf Hamidov, Altın Karakaya, Semra Koçyiğit, Zehra Özdemir, Şenol Özgündüz, Rəxşəndə Piriyeva & Şebnem Yılmaz

Modern Enerji Tapping Uzmanlık Egitimi with Sühendan Coşan

Ebru Asmaz, Gülin Gürsoy, Nehir Nazlı Karakaya, Yurdagül Kaya & Eylül Elif Tatliadim

Temel Modern Stres Yönetimi with Ayşegül Öztürk

Emine Aktepe Özdemir, Arfiye Doğan & Meral Sarınç

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Isaac Lim

Moorali Rau A/l Balakrisnan, Shyielathy Arumugam, Dhanya Darshinee Sivamuni, Kavitha Krishnasamy, Sandhi Nagalingam, Sharmila Patrick Paul, Kamala Seelan S/o Kamala Segaran, Jennifer Ng Soek Ling & Koh Yee Jing

Star Matrix Master with Sandra Hillawi with Sandra Hillawi

Cathy Cubby & Jaclyn Yaeger

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Isaac Lim

Sara Carolyn Anthony, Jashpreet Kaur, Natassha Krishnan & Lai Ching Ng

EMO Master Practitioner Course with Gökhan Ayar

Duygu Yükseltürk

GoE Modern Enerji Eğitmeni with Sandra Hillawi

Neşe Bilen, Esin Buluk, Ahmet Alperen Emir, Meltem Er Posnanski, Ayşegül Güneş, Guler Kalkan, Nagehan Odabas, Ayşegül Öztürk & Yasemin Şen

EMO Energy In Motion Master with Sandra Hillawi

Cathy Cubby, Juliet Nisbett & Katie Quinn

Energy EFT Foundation with Alexandra Tavares

Fátima Santos

Energy EFT Master Practitioner with Alexandra Tavares

Fátima Santos

EMO Usta Uygulayıcısı with Ayşegül Güneş

Ayşe Betül Atik, Habibe İşler, Gizem Yıldız Karaca & Hülya Han Narin

Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sandra Hillawi

Ouedraogo Adams Billy, Cathy Cubby, Tamara Jones & Irinka Schröder

Modern Energy Trainer with Sandra Hillawi

Ouedraogo Adams Billy, Dr Alan Balfour, Tanya Davies, Brenda Dutertre, RobertaAnn Greene, Aisling Killoran & Donna Wirth

Modern Stres Yönetimi Temel Workshop with Ayşegül Öztürk

Nilüfer Bulut, Aslı Küçükoğlu, Memnune Saka & Gülsevim Sarınç

🥇 Top Trainers in 2024

🥇 1st Place: Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu

Congratulations and thanks to Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu for being the GoE's top trainer!

Ozlem joined the GoE in 2016 and has now trained 355 people.

For more information or to contact Ozlem see:

Ozlem's Next Events:

🥈 2nd Place: Sandra Hillawi

Congratulations to Sandra Hillawi for coming second!

Sandra joined the GoE in 2002 and has now trained 1517 people.

For more information or to contact Sandra see:

Sandra's Next Events:

🥉 3rd Place: Siadbh Mc Givern

Congratulations to Siadbh Mc Givern for coming third!

Siadbh joined the GoE in 2008 and has now trained 135 people.

For more information or to contact Siadbh see:

Siadbh's Next Events:

4th Place: Katerina Kalchenko

Congratulations to Katerina Kalchenko for being a runner-up!

Katerina joined the GoE in 2014 and has now trained 389 people.

For more information or to contact Katerina see:

5th Place: Sühendan Coşan

Congratulations to Sühendan Coşan for being a runner-up!

Sühendan joined the GoE in 2018 and has now trained 183 people.

For more information or to contact Sühendan see:

6th Place: Aisling Killoran

Congratulations to Aisling Killoran for being a runner-up!

Aisling joined the GoE in 2006 and has now trained 235 people.

For more information or to contact Aisling see:

7th Place: Isaac Lim

Congratulations to Isaac Lim for being a runner-up!

Isaac joined the GoE in 2016 and has now trained 110 people.

For more information or to contact Isaac see:

8th Place: Hilâl Küçük Özdamar

Congratulations to Hilâl Küçük Özdamar for being a runner-up!

Hilâl Küçük joined the GoE in 2016 and has now trained 58 people.

For more information or to contact Hilâl Küçük see:

9th Place: Dilek Kirikkanat

Congratulations to Dilek Kirikkanat for being a runner-up!

Dilek joined the GoE in 2016 and has now trained 227 people.

For more information or to contact Dilek see:

Dilek's Next Events:

10th Place: Bilge Yalçın

Congratulations to Bilge Yalçın for being a runner-up!

Bilge joined the GoE in 2020 and has now trained 60 people.

For more information or to contact Bilge see:

🙏 Thanks Also To...

Nurşen Ceylan Nurşen Ceylan
Saliha Eroglu Saliha Eroglu
Aynur Apaydin Aynur Apaydin
Ayşegül Güneş Ayşegül Güneş
Ber Collins Ber Collins
Gökhan Ayar Gökhan Ayar
Zoe Hobden Zoe Hobden
Şirin Ak Şirin Ak
Nimet Özkan Nimet Özkan
Suzanne Zacharia Suzanne Zacharia
Guler Kalkan Guler Kalkan
Gulay Gecu Gulay Gecu
Ayşegül Öztürk Ayşegül Öztürk
Dieter Maas Dieter Maas
Alexandra Tavares Alexandra Tavares
RobertaAnn Greene RobertaAnn Greene
Jackie Scarcella Jackie Scarcella
Brenda Dutertre Brenda Dutertre
Alex Kent Alex Kent
Rana Korkunç Rana Korkunç
Estefanía Carretero Mancheño Estefanía Carretero Mancheño
Denise Jacques Denise Jacques

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